14Friends 4Fans
female Singapore

name: ronger
d.o.b: 27.04.90
horo : taurus baby!

ronger says
13 years ago
ronger says
13 years ago
The most stupid thing in this world is to allow yourself to be treated as NOTHING by the person you treated as your everything.
ronger says
13 years ago
Bacon is bacon eggs are eggs.Dont let a guy get between yur legs.He says yur cute,he says your fine.Nine months later, he says its not mine.
ronger says
13 years ago
Don't steal, don't lie, don't cheat, don't sell drugs. The government hates competition!
ronger says
13 years ago
ronger says
13 years ago
ronger says
13 years ago
ronger says
13 years ago
ronger says
13 years ago
I am me. I am not willing to change for you, or anyone else. Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
ronger says
13 years ago
My attitude is still a virgin, still don't give a fuck.