25Friends 23Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
Sebastian's optimistic and freedom-loving, jovial and good-humored, honest and straightforward, intellectual and philosophical, blindly, optimistic and careless.
Thebazz telah
15 years ago
sign out (highfive)
Thebazz telah
15 years ago
tidurrr~ (wave)
Thebazz bilang
15 years ago
ga ada kerjaan (mmm)
Thebazz bilang
15 years ago
dr pd ga da yg respon mending dngrin(music)
Thebazz berbagi
15 years ago
Thebazz bilang
15 years ago
Ngeplurk Nyoookk (dance)
Thebazz bilang
15 years ago
ngantuk (:
15 years ago
15 years ago
hujan.. hujan.. hujan terusss~
Thebazz benci
15 years ago
sebentar lg MID smstr.. argghhh~ cpet bgt dAh!