4Friends 6Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
azzam says
15 years ago 2
(dance) dapet emoticon baru (hungry)
azzam hates
15 years ago 8
wah ternyata ahad kemaren ada Telkom di job fair braga... pengen masuk Telkom
azzam is
15 years ago
only use one hand work :-&
azzam feels
15 years ago
(Without left little finger.. hard to work) :-&
azzam is
15 years ago 1
merubah hibernate mapping manual
azzam is
15 years ago 1
now on callWsOwnersList --> util web Service client WF engine --> Next update the database --> check Doc again --> Best Practice
azzam is
15 years ago 3
ngebatik di SOAP... X-( WTH
azzam is
15 years ago 2
WTH... the parameter is a compuond object... how can? X-(
azzam is
15 years ago 1
web Service client WF engine :-))
15 years ago 2
now: Util.WebServiceDynamicClient() (woot)