2Friends 3Fans
female Indonesia
trying to be good, wanting to be bad..but somehow i'm just trying to find my happy thoughts and makin' my life happier than before..
aztoricaz will
15 years ago
lallaaalliiliii....laper laper laper...makan time!
aztoricaz wonders
15 years ago
gmn ngubah font sih?
15 years ago 6
bingung gmn caranya ngehilite kata2 awalnyaa..
15 years ago 8
pengen makan bubur ayam, minum es teh manis..tapi lagi sakiiiiittttt......
aztoricaz hopes
15 years ago
this thing's gonna be goood...
aztoricaz thinks
15 years ago
she really enjoys the feeling inside..
aztoricaz hates
15 years ago
aztoricaz wants
15 years ago
.....skripsinya cepet selesai!!!
15 years ago
beteee gara2 meler terus pagi inii....
aztoricaz is
15 years ago
sick... :-&