9Friends 5Fans
female Yogyakarta, Indonesia
simple person who loved peace, I sometimes became the friendly person but could also "jutek" was the same the other person. Was easy to surrender with what in underwent. Like to help the other person and liked to be friends.
azaleazua berharap
15 years ago
malam ini bisa bertemu dengan sohibku
azaleazua berharap
15 years ago
dapat bersama dengan kawan2 tersayang
azaleazua telah
15 years ago
selasai di telp
azaleazua benci
15 years ago
kalau harus d rumah sendirian...
azaleazua sedang
15 years ago
di telp
azaleazua wishes
15 years ago
all dbezt
azaleazua berharap
15 years ago
ada yang mau nemeni aku di rmah
azaleazua feels
15 years ago
tenag....berpikir jernih
azaleazua sedang
15 years ago
minum susu coklat kopi anget...hemmm yummmy
azaleazua says
15 years ago
jogja sepi, aku sendirian :-(