5Friends 79Fans
female Temanggung, Indonesia
An ilustrator and freelance designer... but mostly do comic... People says i'm mysterious at first sight, but when people know me they says i'm a talkative person :-P I think of myself a little bit crazy hahaha...
ayumi_matsuo says
14 years ago
selamat hari raya waisak!!!! Semoga semua makhluk bahagia!
ayumi_matsuo likes
14 years ago
'when I get older, I will be stronger, they call me freedom, just like a wavin flag~'
ayumi_matsuo says
14 years ago
coffee ring cake have been big success!!!!
ayumi_matsuo says
14 years ago
#nowlistening to utakata-kaggra
ayumi_matsuo thinks
14 years ago
beritanya kok Ibu Ainun semua? Gak kenal ih, aku lebih kenal GESANG!!! Dia adalah pahlawan bangsa!
ayumi_matsuo says
14 years ago
Pergi Paragon lagi kok gak berkesan apa2 banget ya.... *mall isinya sm semua* tp beda suasanalah...
ayumi_matsuo thinks
14 years ago
Lady dynamite number #1!!!!
14 years ago
Hohoho~ ayo pergi makan...
ayumi_matsuo says
14 years ago 1
Lady Dynamite Rocks!!! ayu_19980408 I love Last Links too,even though I dont really understand japanese
ayumi_matsuo thinks
14 years ago
this is sooo not cool!!! id.news.yahoo.com/viva/2...