105Friends 127Fans
female Bekasi Barat, Indonesia
family, movies, friends, books, foods, news, and internet are the most important things in my daily life
find out more about myself:
ayoesusanti says
15 years ago
get well soon mom, we love you! :-))
ayoesusanti is
15 years ago 1
got flu but luckily it's not swine flu! (LOL)
ayoesusanti says
15 years ago 1
kangen sahabat2ku! :-( :-(
ayoesusanti is
15 years ago
used to love living by too much rules but now she hates living by too much rules! (LOL) (LOL)
ayoesusanti says
15 years ago
my boyfriend is my bestfriend! :-P
ayoesusanti says
15 years ago 2
makin kangen dan sayang sama sandhykuu.. :-))
ayoesusanti says
15 years ago
he's always on my mind
ayoesusanti says
15 years ago 2
gimana wiken kalian plurkers? :-D
ayoesusanti says
15 years ago
monday: attended a wedding and family gathering! :-)) :-))
ayoesusanti says
15 years ago
saturday: had a meeting with all committee of my junior high school's reunion :-)) :-))