12Friends 4Fans
female Waterloo, ON, Canada
13 years ago
*deep sigh* Okay, asshole. As long as they don't sing 'sorry sorry sorry, Jack' thingy, I try to bear. I'm Cobb, not Jack fyi.
13 years ago
I know them. They sing good calming songs as far as I concern. Btw, I know why you're up with Bimbo, hey it's almost Ramadhan.
13 years ago
Shut the hell up! ''Or what?'' Or I'll send you to the deepest Limbo. ''He? Bimbo you said?'' *sweating*
13 years ago
No wonder your fat is like all over your body, dude. *chuckle* I think it's time for you to join that Biggest Looser reality show.
13 years ago
I don't know either, dude. Let's just finish this, I'm famished. Haven't eat for like 24ho. Tell Arthur I want BK's usual package.
13 years ago
Wait a sec, what did you say? My dream? Isn't it your turn this time? I'm confused. So whose dream is now we're living in? *nudging Cobb*
13 years ago
In your dream, dude. Seriously, get the hell out of here now.
13 years ago
It's okay. I forgive you. You're just having a delusion, the side effect of that seductive drugs. Are you still sleep?
13 years ago
No she's not, you freakin moron. It's an Ev but not with the Salt. Get a life or just die, bitch.
13 years ago
So that freakin Ev Salt is now the twitter's admin?! Wow, she survives, I presume. And doing another undercover thingy. Nice.