307Friends 203Fans
female Dallas, TX, United States
sweet thing. store owner, art nerd, doge mom (◕ヮ◕) *:・゚✧

flickr ♥ Aya Shula
facebook ♥ Sweet Thing.
main store ♥ Second Life Maps | De la Lune
7 years ago 5
Anthea Lingerie for Maitreya & Belleza by Sweet Thing. @ Bloom tomorrow! https://flic.kr/p/Th9W4b
7 years ago 10
It looks like someone made the account "Ayashuia" with an i instead of L and has been pretending to be me, asking strangers to borrow money.
7 years ago 8
https://www.instagram.com/p/BR8wGH5FdxP/?taken-by=wdewel WIP, just playing around with Zbrush
7 years ago
Traveling is a blast, but I'm a creature of habit. Few things bring me the satisfaction and peace that my morning routine does. Coffee, walk with the dog, homecooked breakfast, plan my work day, workout, shower.. Now I'm ready for the day!
7 years ago 14
I'm taking a digital portrait sculpting class and this is my homework for this week! I chose a dude because realistic+male=the opposite of my comfort zone. It's still early in the class, 2/8 weeks-- we're building form and establishing base level likeness before adding higher frequency detail
7 years ago 4
I can't believe it's already been a year since I met my boyfriend, so much can change in just a year! But at the same time, things between us are so stable and secure that it feels like it's been a lot longer than that.
7 years ago 1
AHAHA it's so perfect
7 years ago 4
When people leave shitty reviews that don't even make sense
7 years ago 5
https://flic.kr/p/SyQjBc Zoe Romper for C88!
7 years ago 7
https://flic.kr/p/Syi5D4 Finishing up this romper for C88