紀阿倉🌵仙仙 Karma: 100.00
not stating / other
- 全糖王國
初空🍃趨吉避凶 Karma: 135.41
not stating / other
- Taiwan
瑞拉。 Karma: 0.84
not stating / other
- Taipei, Taiwan
Eveじゃん Karma: 123.53
- Kaohsiung, Taiwan
雷⚡️ Karma: 139.87
not stating / other
白浪船長☸天然石手作飾品 Karma: 113.53
- Under the Water of Venizia, Italy
✂️🌹ㄇㄨ🍎🔪 Karma: 135.84
- Keelung, Taiwan
羽絨💮健忘失智期 Karma: 110.18
not stating / other
- Taichung, Taiwan
az Karma: 91.51
not stating / other
- Taiwan