R.R April
162Friends 194Fans
R.R April
11 years ago
My face has been in national newspaper, magazine and school cover book .. but i'm stay calm, not until someone's too arogant just for being in cover book.
R.R April
11 years ago
Ibu, jangan pamerin nilaiku.. nilaiku msh php .. T,T
R.R April
11 years ago
I have an idea ! ahaha i'll give a painting :-) for whom I love .
R.R April
11 years ago
Saya ingin dilukis, tapi satu lukisan di tempat lukis Rp 125.000 -___- mahal
R.R April
11 years ago
Just got a fever , and teardrop out from my eyes uncontrolable .
R.R April
11 years ago
really grateful if someone calls me 'Pil' . It shows that they have any intentions of my past story :-) and only my close friends calling me that
R.R April
11 years ago
I remember JSC's nadzar- giving some aid to orphan children if we get IP more than 3,25- a thankfulness for Allah if we could realize it :-)
R.R April
11 years ago
Do you believe unrational reason just like my story before?
R.R April
11 years ago
I feel a neck pain in every waking up . It torments me so much and someone says that i'm getting 'sawan' -something invisible following me.
R.R April
11 years ago
Gelar itu akan berarti jika kamu punya sikap yg pantas dengan gelar itu. Jadi, gak usah terlalu bangga