Stupidity only responds to appropriate stimuli. Violence is sometimes appropriate.
Most personal goals tend to be practical. Mine may or may not be such as it is quite comical and unusual -- to be a living action movie.
I was really looking forward to Homefront, but the previews look so bad. I'm quite disappointed so far.
Sonny Go: Web Design Late Bloomer
New stuff gets hated, then appreciated later. Rick Astley was hated before, then became a meme a decade later. Now, about Justin Bieber...
What I want from Apple is an iPhone Shuffle. You only have two buttons, one to receive calls and one to call a random person.
There is chaos in the sea of lost souls. In short, I have the runs.
Soon enough, it'll be 10 years from now and most of you won't even notice.
To get better in Starcraft II, I shall play Brood War in Garena. Yes, with Thais and Vietnamese.
Instead of wallowing in sorrow or reveling in self-imposed delusions this Valentine's Day, prepare your own stimulus package.