88Friends 103Fans
female Winnipeg, MB, Canada
University of Santo Tomas
BS Architecture graduate
11 years ago
so I got my yearbook today. I waited 6 years to finally have a free time to claim it...and my boyfriend laughed out loud upon seeing my graduation pictures. (LOL)
11 years ago
visited Miriam College earlier today. It was really different compared to the last time I was there. I miss HS already. :-(
11 years ago 1
watched my bf's thesis earlier today. I'm so happy :-))
avery shares
11 years ago 3
11 years ago
renewed my 3 months expired driver's license today at LTO east avenue. I have to return tomorrow for my authentication certificate.
avery says
11 years ago 6
a couple decided to park their plateless car in front of our house to "hang out". Of course, they were suspicious so my dad shifted the headlamp to high beam. VOILA, they're busy. DUDE GET A ROOM. (annoyed)
avery is
11 years ago
pissed because my final pay is 3 months delayed and they're ignoring my emails.
avery is
11 years ago
currently studying/reading a how-to-be-a-Canadian guide book given to me two days ago. I feel like a kindergarten :|
11 years ago
started scanning notes and handouts so I won't have to bring bulky papers when i leave.
11 years ago 10
just finished watching "Love Rain" with three brothers and I didn't even force them. HAHA