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male Navarre, FL, United States
15 years ago
There's a certain spot in the house where I can text. I'm sorting out all my music and pictures in Downloads due to boredom..
15 years ago
Ugh. Tried to talk to a friend on the phone, and couldn't hear him through audio lag from having no tower around for miles...
15 years ago
At a Chinese-ish place called GARDENBUFFET. Yes, in all caps. It's Chinese, but it seems they have everything here.
15 years ago
Outside one of the smallest Wal-Mart's I've ever seen. It's MAYBE 100 feet wide.
15 years ago
..I don't think you'll ever hear or see me saying this again, but I'll actually be glad to see my parents tomorrow.
15 years ago
..Not that Family Guy's a bad show, it's just I've watched Season 5 two times this weekend..
15 years ago
At a Citizen's Bank, getting 100$ for some reason.. oh well. Better than sitting around the farmhouse watching Family Guy....
15 years ago
I forgot how much I liked boiled peanuts and four-wheeling.. I usually like these only up here though. Adaptation, I suppose.
15 years ago
Talked to my mom on my grandfather's phone. She gets to sit in Miami's airport for 5 hours. That sounds fun.
15 years ago
By God. A tweet I just sent out just got through with zero bars! =)