41Friends 42Fans
female batam city, Indonesia
Augustin says
15 years ago 4
he said 'i love you' and she sneezed and replied 'sorry I'm allergic to bullshit' =)
Augustin is
15 years ago
single, because boys bring drama, and drama is sure not my kinda thing. :-D
Augustin says
15 years ago 3
boys always break your heart as soon as u think there's a chance:-(
Augustin says
15 years ago
its raining :-)
Augustin says
15 years ago
Your not crazy if you talk to yourself. But, if you start talking back then you know your crazy...
Augustin says
15 years ago
I may be strange, weird, and crazy. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Wait until you get to know me better. <evil grins>
Augustin says
15 years ago
just because I'm talking to myself, it doesn't mean I'm just means I'm always able to have an intelligent conversation!!!
Augustin says
15 years ago 1
if the world was fair we would be together but its not so i will keep dreaming
15 years ago
just had a thought, chocolate is made of cocoa beans, beans are healthy, therefore I should eat lots of chocolate to be healthy?!!! YAY!!
Augustin asks
15 years ago 1
does anyone sleep ?