111Friends 109Fans
female Kebayoran Baru, Indonesia
90's mod and british invasion. blur. gallagher. skinny retarted-looking guys. george harrison. rock and roll. pop art. warhol. vintage. classic beauty. anti-fat arse. diet. ice cream. more ice cream with waffle. satire. conspiracy theories.
PungkyAgusta says
14 years ago 5
ayo chelsea ayo chelsea whoa whoaaaa
PungkyAgusta is
14 years ago 9
pengen ke pantai
PungkyAgusta thinks
14 years ago 5
kalo masuk hukum berarti jadi adek kelasnya kak itu dong (heart_beat)
PungkyAgusta thinks
14 years ago
kayaknya bakal sakit hu
PungkyAgusta says
14 years ago 10
IPA gak ada yang lulus at all (applause)
PungkyAgusta thinks
14 years ago
tadi konsultasi jurusannya lebih menyemangati daripada AMT
PungkyAgusta thinks
14 years ago 10
alay juga orang inggris ngomong 'mate' aja m8 haha
PungkyAgusta says
14 years ago 11
woi belajar woi hahahahhahahahahahhaha
PungkyAgusta has
14 years ago
no mood for everything. fuck ye fuckin tryouts you ruined whole goddamn TWO weeks, making my imbicility looks even bolder
PungkyAgusta has
14 years ago
found Graham Coxon's twitter few days ago and couldn't understand any of his tweets. that's quite devastating really