Sweet, got two days off to go to the new Caesar's in Windsor. So pumped!
Eating at Rene's Bistro. Pretty fancy place, very nice napkins.
Just finished seeing Romeo and Juliet at the Stratford Festival Theatre.
Just got back to the office after an afterrnoon at the boss's back yard. Not really inclined to do any work.
Going to Chapters to help Laura pick out books. She always takes like 6 and I have to weed out the crap ones.
Called into the edge again, spoke my mind bout mp3 downloading. Should have brought up the crazy copyright bill.
Just got back from my first time ever at Laser Quest. Was a lot of fun, and I even won the second game.
Driving home from the cemetary abd it started pouring. Couldn't even see the road from all the rain bouncing off the pavement.
Tim hortons sandwiches are as tasty as I remember. Chicken salad ftw!
Just got back from east sides. Had a very bland tetrazinni. Would not recommend.