Pinoy SysAds working here in the Philippines, would you recommend a Philippine-based Hosting/Server/IP?
currently running on 460.8 kbps 3G connection w/ SMART on the original DKU-5 USB Cable stashed in the laptop bag. I can watch youtube vids.
nothing much has changed here in Los Baños -- I think. Good thing SMART has 3G here, at 115.2 kbps on bluetooth modem.
watched Google IO's demo on its newest kool-aid - Google Wave - last night, It'll certainly change the way we communicate - soon.
in Los Baños, Laguna for the week.
Google Wave can change the way we communicate online.
this is a pretty boring friday night.
any suggestions on how to spend a friday night when you don't drink and in a city where the people you know are mostly married w/ kids?
"Fullmetal Alchemist 2 - Brotherhood" has a much better graphic direction than the first animation series.
Dear Netbook Manufacturers, Please let go placing X and Y's sticker on your products.