62Friends 134Fans
female München, Germany
Love the cold, love the rain, hate sunshine.

Astrid wants
15 years ago
to sleep deeply...i'm totally tired, but my eyes couldn't close now..huhu
Astrid wants
15 years ago 4
to bake some cookies....hmmm.....
Astrid is
15 years ago
“Khairun naasi anfa’uhum linnaas.” Sebaik-baik manusia adalah siapa yang paling banyak bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
Astrid is
15 years ago
harap-harap cemas....semogaaa Allah me-ridhoi... :-)
Astrid is
15 years ago 1
kangeeeeeeeeeeen banget sama kalian.. :-)
Astrid is
15 years ago 1
pengen ngapain yaaa...kok malessssssss banget rasanya...hihihihi
Astrid is
15 years ago
very curious about the famous fish spa in does that feel..
Astrid says
15 years ago 1
i like the students here though.... they really put their mind open to
Astrid asks
15 years ago in three german cities...then finally here in's soo...errrrrrr.....what can I say...hmmppff :-(
Astrid asks
15 years ago 13
why can't the german easily laugh? they really are robots.