67Friends 12Fans
female Richmond, VA, United States
The Calling:
Clark Kent | Thomas Raith | Steve Rogers
Clark Kent | Sandy Hawkins
Cass Cain | Karen Starr
Alfred Pennyworth
Alan Scott | Clark Luthor
trash thursday I could do with some trash. who wants what with whom?
So I want to do some dyeing. Grabbed a few tops and yarns to play with.
etc. tag commentary stuff
picked up a few old comics I've been missing and OMG worth every penny so far. MORNING! (other stuff in here as well)
Instead of spiral of flail I decided to spin. Yarn > crying jag every time. OMG I don't want to wind this but OMG rainbows.
Character + Number = Headcanon! If ya'll don't mind since I've had zero inspiration to anything today.
morning folks