Dee Dee
33Friends 69Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
This is DD speaking.
Dee Dee says
15 years ago 12
Dee Dee says
15 years ago 8
Dee Dee says
15 years ago 3
Dee Dee says
15 years ago
好啦~晚安!我碎念完了。 (老太婆要去睡了)z z z
Dee Dee says
15 years ago 2
i have to finish "i am not there" soon . I promise. ( 搖滾啟示錄。每個大牌都演的好好,Cate Blanchett連演男人都演的這麼好。再跟大家分享 一週一至少一電影
Dee Dee says
15 years ago
"Tropic Thunder" is hilarious!!! 「開麥拉驚魂」超好笑的,我不知道我當初為什麼不進戲院看!!Robert Downey Jr. and Jack Black are ace!!!
Dee Dee
15 years ago 11
我小時候有做過的蠢事,不知道爲甚麼今天想起來了。 我小時候居然叫大人寫草寫的"郭富城親筆簽名"幾個字,丟到馬路上,然後再蹲在旁邊觀察是不是有人會以為是真跡撿起來...結果是...
Dee Dee
15 years ago 6
Dee Dee 分享
15 years ago
看Mighty Boosh 我最愛的英國喜劇
Dee Dee hopes
15 years ago 2
sitting in a fancy restaurant right now instead of in the office...