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female Philippines
hUmOrOuS,rEcEpTiVe,affEcTiOnAtE, iMaGiNaTivE,aLwayS iNspiRed By LifE's eVenTs,LoVes d oUtdooRs,dReamY,hAs KeeN iNtuiTioN,SpOnTaNeOuS, bEnEvoLenT,RomAnTic pLacEs,SuNsEt OvEr d sEa,WaTeRfAllS,UnIntErrUpTeD PriVaCy.
aShLey says
14 years ago
we are shaped and fashioned by what we love..
aShLey says
14 years ago
"A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes"
aShLey says
14 years ago
always wear expensive shoes.. people notice... (LOL)
aShLey says
14 years ago
easter eggs...
aShLey says
14 years ago
i think i'll be late for duty
aShLey says
14 years ago
and as suspected.... brisk walking FAILED!
aShLey says
14 years ago
beware of pranks..
aShLey says
14 years ago
happy april fool's day!
aShLey says
14 years ago
morning glory!! what's the story?!!
aShLey says
14 years ago
conceptualize energy....