46Friends 246Fans
female Second life
A LOT of things have changed as I shifted into more stuff going on in RL...
-Manager at Bella's Cafe in Ronoc.
-Designer and Owner of Basics (
-Blogger (My Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide Workout Review - ...)
-Surfer Girl
-Cat A
Ashleigh says
11 years ago
I just googled "How to pray" because I was worried I was doing it wrong.
Ashleigh shares
11 years ago 1
Ashleigh says
11 years ago
Do you ever just feel like saying "Fuck this shit."?
Ashleigh says
11 years ago 5
Ashleigh says
11 years ago
Might have to take a page from and rename myself Ashleigh or Panda.... He's started leaving random comments in peoples plurks lol
Ashleigh says
11 years ago 1
There's a 20 year old girl missing here. Sadly that happens too often here (It's like this area is the bermuda triangle) but this one is
Ashleigh says
11 years ago 3
Okay bear with me a second... You are on FB and go to an ex-coworkers page. There's a picture of them ready to go to a Christmas Party, not even specifying it's the office one! You comment only asking if it was
Ashleigh says
11 years ago
Anyone else watching Sound of Music Live?
Ashleigh says
11 years ago 8 I had a thought tonight while doing a breathing treatment. A nebulizer machine is basically a huge e-cig yes? Wouldn't it be smart for drug companies to make e-cig refills/disposables
Ashleigh says
11 years ago
I took cough syrup with codeine in it like... 2 ish hours ago and I fought through the initial sleepytime spot and now I'm feelin' goooooddddd