"U become a superstar individually, u become a champion as a team" - -- Lebron James =)
Heading to bed after a very great Day! Gudnyt everyone =)
Yhat's Day! Yeyyyy... Happy 8th baby! i ♥ u much! =)
1 more day! I Can't waittttt =)) hahahhaha!!
2 more Day's to go! =))))))))))))))))))) ♥
Seduction. It's about the chase. But who says she has to do all the running? Tune up your body language and watch 'em flock. - -- Hahaha! =)
Happy Eclipse Day Everyone! =))
Eclipse na tom. ! Yeyyyyy... Pero We will watch on 5th of July(8months na US,hahahah!!!!=))
Hey Soul Sister! - -- LOVE it! =)