17Friends 54Fans
female Singapore
A happy girl surrounded by happy kick-ass friends :-D
Aryxsha is
15 years ago
waiting for the boy to call.
Aryxsha is
15 years ago
going to watch Whip It! later with sister, just have to wait for it to finish downloading....
Aryxsha is
15 years ago 51
still thinking whether she should take her car liscense or bike licence first
Aryxsha is
15 years ago 1
done with her law notes for today and is off to nurse her headache.
Aryxsha says
15 years ago
aku is bored and confused.
15 years ago
, tomorrow is my Parent's 21st Anniversary! woohoo!
Aryxsha is
15 years ago
going to have a headache.
Aryxsha says
15 years ago
Law is definitely confusing for me.
Aryxsha says
15 years ago
that Law terms are redundant cos they are repeated a dozen times in diff sentences in a single section.
Aryxsha says
15 years ago
it's been ages since i've plurked anything due to work but i'll be plurking regularly by next month, so stay tuned :-)