7Friends 8Fans
male Pekanbaru, Indonesia
aryocaneca is
15 years ago 32
gym is nice one..hahaha
aryocaneca is
15 years ago
finished the class for today...
aryocaneca is
15 years ago 22
huaaaa tired..
aryocaneca is
15 years ago 3
happy mama's day =)
aryocaneca is
15 years ago
morning tweeps and plurkers..=D
aryocaneca is
15 years ago
ckckckck...blum ngantuk padahal ud subuh ato ga ngantuk karna ud subuh??ckckck
aryocaneca is
15 years ago
segar nya abis mandi jam segini..hahaha
aryocaneca is
15 years ago
selamat tahun baru 1431H semua..hope this year will be better than before..amiinn.
aryocaneca is
15 years ago to bed..bye plurkers and bye tweeps..=)
aryocaneca is
15 years ago