19Friends 11Fans
female Koganei, Japan
veterinary student of Gadjah Mada University. Currently studying Science and Engineering at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
11 years ago
" I know I was bad at being a boyfriend, but I have no idea I'd be so much worse at being an ex-boyfriend" Barney-How I Met Your Mother
artemis_knd thinks
11 years ago
it's time to turn the table!
artemis_knd thinks
11 years ago
well, we all have ever been on someone's hook, or, got someone hooked on us (LOL)
11 years ago
I turned into someone I used to loathe. well it turns out that whatever you hate, don't even think about it. think positive ;-)
11 years ago
pancake durian, yeyeyey~ (hungry)
11 years ago
(blush) this is the, what, second or third time?
11 years ago
please, I know this is stupid but your reply could be my last hope and salvation.
11 years ago
ほら! あなたにとって大事な人ほど すぐそばにいるの
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい 響け恋の歌  (music)
11 years ago
I had what a girl always wanted, but I wasn't not happy. maybe I'm just not grateful enough. or it's just on the wrong track.
11 years ago
... and when you slammed the front door shut, a lot of others opened up (wave)