16Friends 26Fans
female Minneapolis, MN, United States
A stay at home mom who's fibromyalgia has robbed her of rational thought and creativity. Come and watch me not make sense!
armchairangel thinks
16 years ago 25
its time to go to urgent care now that the baby is up. Or at least sounds like she's up.
armchairangel is
16 years ago 8
going to try to sleep while she can.
armchairangel shares
16 years ago 11
that we just had a little brown out.
armchairangel has
16 years ago 8
a fussy baby who won't fall asleep and a backache from holding her and a husband who's knee is killing him.
armchairangel says
16 years ago 6
And then the baby wakes up. See y'all folks!
armchairangel is
16 years ago 6
updating her plurk for the karma but not much else cuz we're working on putting up a fence for DammitDog tonight.
armchairangel shares
16 years ago 13
that her daughter LOVES her Baby Einstein video.
armchairangel is
16 years ago 6
letting herself have a not so good day.
armchairangel is
16 years ago 4
exhausted and going to bed EARLY. For serious. No more plurking tonight. G'nighty night!
armchairangel feels
16 years ago 11
kinda bad she doesn't really miss the parakeets yet.