115Friends 105Fans
male Second Life, United States
This is almost as bad as having to write about myself in the Second Life tab inworld...or those dating sites Harlow doesn't know about! :-P
arksorbet shares
12 years ago 3
YOU guess which one is a code grocery item!! :-P
12 years ago 4
When did the human race lose their ability to think for themselves?
12 years ago 4
Nothing makes me angrier than accidentally hitting "wear all" on some hugeass folder in my inventory.
12 years ago 12
Am I the only person who uses "slut" and its associated words (like "slutty") as a term of endearment?
arksorbet says
12 years ago 8
Trying to decide if I should join the auction board or be a bidder for the upcoming TPB date auction...hmm...
arksorbet says
12 years ago 7
Sometimes people say I use these words too often...
12 years ago 10
if tornadoes werent real, and someone made a sci fi scary movie about deadly destructive cones of extremely high wind that tore across...
arksorbet says
12 years ago 12
If you snuck into a place to take pictures of something for work, would you list 'spy' as a work skill on your resume? (thinking)
arksorbet says
12 years ago 9
Did you know you burn more calories eating celery than you consume? Or that apples keep you awake longer per calorie than coffee?