1Friends 7Fans
male Austin, TX, United States
‎Turn off your TV. Join the future. It gathers and grumbles in the street outside your door. It smokes cigarettes and eyes it's neighbor's wife. It is starting now. -opium
arizvisa dice
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
i keep telling people that sw is fucking terrible. i feel like nobody believes me, but whatev. for example: my power company has my addy as being in a completely different city/street-name. all the major maps see it, usps delivers mail, and MVEC can't adjust their records to fix things because of their sw limitations.
#software #dystopia #luddite #mvec
arizvisa dice
2 months ago 1 @Edit 2 months ago
i fucking hate 2fa so fucking much. with the scotus immunity ruling too, it's so apparent that the world is so full of fucking stupid.
arizvisa dice
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
wow. nginx ( finally fork'd from its corporate version (susceptible to russia's national politics) into a free (as in corporate-free) version at hopefully it lasts.
#nginx #freenginx #opensource #http #c10k #webserver #russia
arizvisa comparte
2 months ago
GitHub - pybind/pybind11: Seamless operability betwe...neat. boost and especially boost_python was fucking beastly to link with. this project appears to significantly reduce that complexity. maybe i'll resurrect pydbgeng since pykd is now unsupported.
#python #c++ #c++11 #boost #boost_python #fuckboost #windbg #pydbgeng #pykd #heh
arizvisa comparte
2 months ago 1
firefox' address bar autocompletion recognizes special chars for filtering suggestions:

% - search open tabs
^ - search history
* - search bookmarks
+ - tagged bookmarks
$ - filter suggestions by url
# - filter suggestions by title/tag

#firefox #browsing #hotkeys #autosuggestion #opensource
arizvisa dice
2 months ago 1 @Edit 2 months ago
heh,Reloading packages (and their submodules) recursivel...
pretty sure you can just pop all the references to package and sub-packages from sys.modules and re-import...
#python #python3 #reload #modules #opensource #itsnothard #hacks #terriblehacks #fuckpython
arizvisa dice
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
heh. they list my other reported bugs at, but i'm still encountering "BUGFIX: IDAPython: plugins using PyQt5 would crash IDA when using Python 3.12 release build" on SP2.
#ida #idapro #bugs #python #python3.12 #pyqt5 #qt
arizvisa dice
3 months ago 1
heh, neat. the .kdfiles windbg command can be used to remotely reload (inject) kernel drivers in a debugging target.

#windbg #kernel #debugging #drivers #kernelspace
arizvisa dice
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
if you're looking for ancient versions of obsd for some reason, they're all archived here:
#openbsd #obsd #opensource #archive #ancient #wideopenbsd #fucktheoderaadt #netbsd #netbsdripoff #multicorepfwhen
arizvisa dice
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
if you're trying to add a ui to your windbg extension, you'll need a thread to block the extension command (guard it w/ an event) and then you'll need to process a messagepump in your thread. register your window class on thread entry and unregister on its exit.
#windbg #microsoft #debugging #windows #ui #gui