230Friends 223Fans
female makati, Philippines
Issa Gutierrez, 15, Female, Filipina

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breathbeautyin.tumblr.com/ FOLLOW PUHLEASE
♡issa.ﭢ says
13 years ago 18
Good Evening, Just got home =]
♡issa.ﭢ says
13 years ago 2
Bwisit nga brownout -_-
♡issa.ﭢ says
13 years ago 7
where i can buy skittles?
♡issa.ﭢ says
13 years ago 10
Good Evening :-)
♡issa.ﭢ says
13 years ago 9
im doing my fuck assignment. >,<
♡issa.ﭢ says
13 years ago 18
Who want(s) to talk with me'? Im bored -__-
♡issa.ﭢ says
13 years ago 2
breathbeautyin.tumblr.co... Follow please... thankyou.
♡issa.ﭢ says
13 years ago 1
Hay, finally wala ng init, . hahaha.
♡issa.ﭢ says
13 years ago 2
I'm bored as fuck D:
♡issa.ﭢ says
13 years ago 2
What the hell, why am i awake this early, even worst why can't i fall back asleep -_-