1Friends 1Fans
male Surabaya, Indonesia
11 years ago
ngantuok poll..
anthipon feels
11 years ago
anthipon says
11 years ago
they ask a war, I will give them one.
anthipon feels
12 years ago
shiro is my best friend. it accept every of my pain and joy. thanks shiro.
anthipon needs
12 years ago
a pal.
anthipon feels
12 years ago
too rude lately. :-(
anthipon feels
12 years ago
lonely as always. :-(
anthipon feels
12 years ago
sad. saran revisi lebih parah dari dugaan. :-(
anthipon feels
12 years ago
happy. walau revisi belum kelar, tapi ada titik terang.
anthipon thinks
12 years ago
people as we know today, aren't kind at all.