22Friends 8Fans
female Sydney, Australia
The Moose knows all...being of the Future! As long as I'm here you know that the next day will come.
8 years ago
Dang, I don't have enough cheese slices to make lasagna tonight I hope the mince will keep in the fridge until tomorrow!
8 years ago
So I went to the doctor's today and got my ears syringed. OMG I was so deaf before and didn't even realise it! I must have been blasting my TV before!
8 years ago 2
Geeze, I feel like I've been sucker punched by this election...
8 years ago
Gulp, got a bit of telling-off at work today...that sort of things always concerns me!
8 years ago
Also the TV reception in my current Granny Flat can be completely crappy for some channels sometimes. Today is one of those times, RUDE!
8 years ago 4
Here's an example of my fine skillz...I got this scratch yesterday from a pacer I left in my bed, WTF?
8 years ago 2
Hello Plurk! I've been suffering from Australia-induced internet suckiness. I don't have access to broadband so have to use mobile phone data like an animal! How's it going for you guys?