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female The Shire, United States
Life is better with stories!

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anitasnotebook wonders
10 years ago
Tired of birds? Wonder what the story behind this guy is... Tired Of Birds? Wonder What The Story Is Behind This Guy - Anita&...
anitasnotebook shares
10 years ago
Okay so it's time to settle the question of why Caillou is bald once and for all...
READ THE STORY Does Caillou Have Cancer? True Story And Urban Legend Behind Cail...
anitasnotebook shares
10 years ago 1
anitasnotebook shares
10 years ago 2
Have you ever had these??
Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, it's kind of like playing jellybean Russian roulette . Wonder what the flavor of this one will be... hmm...
anitasnotebook says
10 years ago 1
Question for you:
anitasnotebook says
10 years ago
:-o King Midas thought he had the best superpower ever, but things went wrong very fast...
READ THE STORY Greed And Gold: The Story Of King Midas And The Golden Touch
anitasnotebook shares
10 years ago
New stories posted today!! My favorite is the ghost story
anitasnotebook says
10 years ago
Why yes I am up at 5 a.m. writing stories. That's totally normal right? (LOL)
anitasnotebook says
10 years ago
(devil) Have you ever heard the scary story of La Llorona? ...
Scary Story Of La Llorona: The Weeping Ghost By The River
anitasnotebook says
10 years ago
:-o quite a bit different than the movie... The Sound Of Music: The Surprising True Story Behind The Movie