126Friends 106Fans
female purwakarta, Indonesia
simple :-)
dan setiap kata yang saya tulis akan menginspirasi anda :-)
*life notes :-)*
anin111 bilang
12 years ago 7
If it's meant to happen don't worry you will have another chance.
anin111 bilang
12 years ago 6
anin111 bilang
12 years ago 6
selamat siang
anin111 bilang
12 years ago 7
ok thats my quotes. enjoy it.. see ya (cozy)
anin111 bilang
12 years ago 7
Stop looking for perfect partners. Just find someone who knows how lucky they are when they have you.
anin111 bilang
12 years ago 7
Don’t ignore someone you care about, because lack of concern hurts more than angry words
anin111 bilang
12 years ago 8
The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion, style, compassion, generosity, humor and kindness.
anin111 bilang
12 years ago 8
Avoid putting your faith in the wrong people.
anin111 bilang
12 years ago 8
My life, my mistakes, my lessons, not your business.
anin111 bilang
12 years ago 9
You don't need to be perfect, so long as we're perfect together.