12Friends 222Fans
female Sachse, TX, United States
Hi there! I'm Anime. I lead a generally dull life and have minimal intrest in people, so if you were looknig for something exciting about major events, you got off a the WRONG stop.
anime says
14 years ago
ohmygoash I went to bed before 5 last night. xD
anime says
14 years ago
yay for having nothing to do
anime says
14 years ago
HG and SS are here! *proceeds to be obsessed*
14 years ago
got UNT's College of Eingineering Dean's Scholarsahip. ^_^
anime says
14 years ago 2
woot, Spring Break!
anime says
14 years ago
must survive one more day...
anime says
15 years ago
spring has offically attacked.
anime was
15 years ago
actually able to do today's bit of the math test. Wow.
anime says
15 years ago
lockdown drills never fail to be entertaining
anime wants
15 years ago
this week to vanish