14Friends 14Fans
female Semarang, Indonesia
.I'm a sincere, hardworking
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. We should all live LIFE to it's fullest as if there were no tomorrow...I​f you believe there is more to the physical world than meets the eye, you are in good company.
anik_batam says
16 years ago
piye ya men karma kita naek?? carane piye to?
anik_batam says
16 years ago
aduh.. susah banget nyari tukang pijit yang mumpuni di batam..
anik_batam says
16 years ago 4
ah..Lebaran di rumah ketupat, no opor barbeque..sepiiiiiiiii
anik_batam says
16 years ago 2
Teklek kecemplung kalen,
anik_batam says
16 years ago 7
Ku diantara 2 pilihan..
anik_batam says
16 years ago 1
aku nyoba ikut website Zorpia (pengin dpt penpal Middle east) ternyata blahhhhhhhhhhh
anik_batam says
16 years ago 4
Tahun depan daku kehilangan 1 anak kost..she back for good...
anik_batam says
16 years ago
I've been living with a shadow overhead.I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on.
anik_batam says
16 years ago 1
ono F1 maen ning Singapore malam ini, ah andai msh ma si dia..pasti aku nonton F1.. saiki isine mung nonton TV (hal yg dulu kubenci)
anik_batam says
16 years ago 7
kok sunyi banget to.. arek arek podo nengdi?