13Friends 26Fans
female San Fernando City, Philippines
♥my favorite movie line: ღ
✿~”There's a common beLief among anthropoLogists that you must immerse yourseLf in an unfamiLiar worLd in order to truLy understand your own.” –the nanny diaries.❀

★this is the Life.☆
angeLstarkiss says
13 years ago
i’ve always had a good sleep cycle before i discovered pLurk! now, gaaah! i’m like a vampire, i sleep during the day and plurk all night. (:
angeLstarkiss says
13 years ago
a fake Laugh you do when you don't understand what somebody just said to you. (((((: - (((SS:?
angeLstarkiss says
13 years ago
i'm on a seafood diet. ~"i see food, and i eat it." :-P
angeLstarkiss says
13 years ago
you do a lot of thinking, and it's what kills you.
angeLstarkiss says
13 years ago
a T-R-U-E friend is someone who never gets tired of Listening to your pointless dramas, OVER and OVER again. (:
angeLstarkiss says
13 years ago
pretending to care about the teacher's personal life, TO WASTE TIME IN CLASS. :-P
angeLstarkiss says
13 years ago
Don't take someone for granted just because U know everytime you push them away, they'd always come running back. Cause one day, they won't.
angeLstarkiss thinks
13 years ago
nothing seemed more impossible. <3
angeLstarkiss shares
13 years ago
true enough!
angeLstarkiss says
13 years ago
☆ star DANCE.