Dear you,
6Friends 31Fans
female Venezuela
Currently,singing ,eating cheap pizzas, rummaging her closet,waiting for the sun to sink,stars to dangle and rain to fall into ripples. Forever young. Forever a bus window lover. Forevr nomad.
Dear you,
14 years ago
Now this is not suppose to be that obvious, imgfave.lg1x8z.simplecdn... err, love. haha
Dear you,
14 years ago
I remember when your hand in mine imgfave.lg1x8z.simplecdn...
Dear you,
14 years ago
It starts with wooaaah, I don't get it.
Dear you,
14 years ago
I plurked a lot of times? You see, I never understand this stuff.
Dear you,
14 years ago
you have to beat this pictures I hang around here though
Dear you,
14 years ago
Yes, yes, yes, I can't sleep again because I "miss you" as what you usually say.
Dear you,
14 years ago
And where is the picture you promise ha?
Dear you,
14 years ago
but you are not suppose to know it.
Dear you,
14 years ago
I am actually talking to you now, yes you!