18Friends 11Fans
female Tondo,, Philippines
_i dOn't wAnnA chAnge mysElf 4 thE xpEctAtions of pEople arOund mE,i dOn't wAnna act likE an innOcent pErson jUst tO sAy thAt i'm gOod..wAnna knOw Y??bEcause its bEtter tO h8 mE 4 whO i am,thAn tO lOve mE 4 wAt i Am prEtending tO bE..thAt'S me..!_
ezkha says
12 years ago
"I use to be NORMAL,until I met those LOSERS who I now called my BESTFRIENDS" :'>
ezkha says
12 years ago
The happiest couples never have the same character. They have the best understanding of their differences.
ezkha says
12 years ago
do you know how impossible it is 2 be love back by someone hu's in Love w/ someone else ?
- it's like waiting 4 a boat .. at the airport ..
ezkha says
12 years ago
hindi nmn ako mapiling tao,
. . . . . . . sadyang nghahanap lng ako ng marunong makuntento :-))
ezkha says
12 years ago
never get jealous when I see my ex with someone else, because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate.
ezkha says
12 years ago
d0nt be t0o confdent when s0meone tels u, i love you
the real quest0n s
because frankly, just lke seas0ns, pe0ple CHANGE..
ezkha says
12 years ago
“I was told not to hurt the heart of whom I love so much.
But when I was so busy taking care of that heart I didn’t notice mine was bleeding
ezkha says
12 years ago
The hardest question a couple can encounter would be
What if we were not meant to be?
The sweetest answer could be Then we will..
ezkha says
12 years ago
boys are like songs: some of them you like and listen to all the time, but there is that one you just can't get out of your head..
ezkha says
12 years ago
wouℓd you come back to me? :-(