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male Quezon City, Philippines
andrestewartas says
13 years ago
Read Interesting Books- "Advice about when and where not to read was once a medical specialty." bit.ly/hVqU2s
andrestewartas says
13 years ago
Bing West: "The Afghan system was inherently corrupt." [The Wrong War] Books dld.bz/PT6y
andrestewartas says
13 years ago
Laura Ingraham: "Inside might have been BarackObama jaunting off somewhere for the ..." [The Obama Diaries] Books dld.bz/RVp4
andrestewartas says
13 years ago
Philip Freeman: "One amusing piece of evidence for Patrick's native language comes.." [St. Patrick of Ireland] Books dld.bz/Rm2f
andrestewartas says
13 years ago
Allison Stanger: "By Aug 08, the U.S. spent over $100B on contractors in Iraq alone." [One Nation Un.. Contract] Books dld.bz/Q8Ee
andrestewartas says
13 years ago
Evgeny Morozov: ".. Estonia's planned 2011 launch of voting via text-messaging." [The Net Delusion] Politics Books dld.bz/RfZP
andrestewartas says
13 years ago
Michael Specter: "Denialists replace the rigorous skeptisim of science with inflexible certainty." [#Denialism] Books dld.bz/RVp4
andrestewartas says
13 years ago
Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses: ".. create an enriching home environment .." Parenting Kids Books dld.bz/Pssq
andrestewartas says
13 years ago
Danielle McGuire: ".. defense of white womanhood and their manipulation.." [At the Dark End of the Street] Racism Books dld.bz/Qbz3
andrestewartas says
13 years ago
Donald Rumsfeld: ".. there isn't a chance in the world that the draft will be brought back.." [Known and Unknown] Books dld.bz/PZBQ