51Friends 62Fans
female Basking Ridge, NJ, United States
hello world
i love you!
i am determined to marry oliver sykes
when i move to england :]
get to know me :-D
!andreaxx wants
15 years ago
more rockstar!
!andreaxx loves
15 years ago
!andreaxx loves
15 years ago
may 2nd <3 danced with paul :]
!andreaxx loves
15 years ago 4
paul griffiths he had his arm around me today :] <3
15 years ago 2
bamboooooooooozlee! (woot)
15 years ago
bamboozle ..yes no maybe so?
15 years ago
lyke ohmahgawd.
15 years ago
FUCK YOU SWINE FLU. you fucking ruined everything and i dont even have it.
!andreaxx hates
15 years ago
the swine flu. it can go die now.
15 years ago 1
fell asleep outside for like two hours and has an awkward tan line O_o