And the shadow of the day, will embrace the world in gray. And the sun will set for you...
Embrace those who love you & whom you love, & rid yourself of those who will only bring you down.
Laugh until your body aches, cry until you start to shake, live like the world is yours to take, love as though your heart won't break.
Learn to trust the perfect time so that you may discover that all the pain found in waiting has a magnificent purpose in God's time.
Your heart knows when it's finally home.
Love may take too long, but it will always take you where you belong, just hold on and enjoy the journey.
Ayoko sa emo eh, sensya na.
Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater, give her a house she will give you a home. (cont.)
Guys fall in love with what girls look like. Girls fall in love with what guys say. That's why, girls wear makeup & guys lie
Text ako ng text hindi naman pala ako unli. Wenk =_=