2Friends 1Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
anaconda36 正在
14 years ago
AxMedia 私募技倆被抓包? x展上市被退件? It's the year to slaughter public share holders......
anaconda36 says
14 years ago
米虫完全攻破 四處竄逃
anaconda36 says
14 years ago
以色列佬 Computex都結束一禮拜了還不滾回去
anaconda36 正在
14 years ago
Internal revenue return DONE in SinYin sector office
anaconda36 正在
14 years ago
95 25公升跑371.3公里 市區高速混合 50%載3個人 AC ON
anaconda36 正在
14 years ago
well....i don't think so...still feeling hot & having only my boxer on......ho ho ho
anaconda36 正在
14 years ago
some said he/she woke up this morning with the sense of that autumn came into his/her mind, what do you think?
anaconda36 分享
14 years ago
anaconda36 分享
14 years ago
小安中午如果在車上睡著了 回到家就不肯再睡 無論多睏都不睡 兼用無敵棒棒腿踢她爸
anaconda36 分享
14 years ago