28Friends 32Fans
female Indonesia
I change anytime I want to; people are never static.
But one thing in me is unchangeable; it's the ability to feel a strong bond to people I like: Love.
amrina_rw says
13 years ago
saya suka dicemburui.
amrina_rw hates
13 years ago
waiting... :'-( :-(
amrina_rw says
13 years ago
just leave me alone.
13 years ago
...well, that's alright afterall.
amrina_rw thinks
13 years ago
you don't miss me.
amrina_rw is
13 years ago
heading to the bathroom. Mandi yah.
amrina_rw says
13 years ago
one plus nine is TEN :-)
amrina_rw says
13 years ago
you're cute :-)
amrina_rw says
13 years ago
hoy Friday, ever heard a guy called a cassanova? Oh wait, you're one.
amrina_rw says
13 years ago
thank you for saving me, even if you ain't knowing what you've done...