37Friends 62Fans
female New Haven, CT, United States
A little crazy, but awfully nice. Gluten-free foodie/progressive education junkie/good enough mama.

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, 'I will try again tomorrow.' - Mary Ann Radmach
AmosOtis is
16 years ago 22
astonished at the beauty of the day
AmosOtis is
16 years ago 3
busy being too many things to too many people today, PYL!
AmosOtis is
16 years ago 5
home & bed plurking, bed snacking, and bed watching tv
AmosOtis is
16 years ago 9
rocking out some moves with 6 year old
AmosOtis is
16 years ago 3
following up on DD letter to teacher
AmosOtis says
16 years ago 11
heading home soon
AmosOtis says
16 years ago 9
scoop of tuna on a salad beckons, PYL!
AmosOtis loves
16 years ago 6
new, sharp pencils
AmosOtis wonders
16 years ago 15
to brew or not to brew, that is the question
AmosOtis hopes
16 years ago 7
everyone has a great day~