11Friends 18Fans
male Kajang, Malaysia
ammarsatria bilang
14 years ago
[press release] Isra Mi'raj 1431H, 9 Juli.19.00, Masjid Raya Batam. KH.M.Husni Thamrin tweetphoto.com/31607572 & bit.ly/cJDRs5
ammarsatria says
14 years ago
It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be. (@ Best Western Premier Solo) 4sq.com/bOnnvL
ammarsatria says
14 years ago
[ Video Report ] Borderless Annual Asean Underground Music Festival 2010 | Day One Pre-Event on Trailer bit.ly/cd1gnq
ammarsatria says
14 years ago
Industry Review presentation, final exam Interactive Design with Nokia Singapore, Nokia Malaysia & Nerd Attack (@ Lecture Theater 3, LUCT )
ammarsatria bilang
14 years ago
( update's) general info, band participant, Q&A, rvspn, Borderless Annual Asean Underground Music Festival 2010 fingerfast.com/baaumf
ammarsatria bilang
14 years ago
Borderless Annual Asean Underground Music Festival 2010 press release yfrog.com/f1eygj & bit.ly/9zojOr
ammarsatria akan
14 years ago
Borderless Annual Asean Underground Music Festival, 26/27 Juni, Ocarina, Batam, ( Burger Kill & Endank Soekamti). yfrog.com/b915ycjj
ammarsatria akan
14 years ago 1
attending to Broadcast Asia 2010, 15-18 June. International Digital Multimedia Technology, Exhibition & Conference. bit.ly/cg0zJX
ammarsatria berbagi
14 years ago
Novus Ordo Seclorum | 'Tuhan', Mata & Hati bit.ly/aYxGWY
ammarsatria berbagi
14 years ago
Borderless Annual Asean Underground Music Festival (woot) bit.ly/c6Rpg6