2Friends 121Fans
female Fort Worth, TX, United States
Freelance photographer and geek from Texas. It's all sweetness!
amez says
14 years ago
actually getting some hours at work today
amez says
14 years ago
just picked up Blur! pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
amez says
14 years ago
I <3 these socks! ...yeah! pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws...
amez says
14 years ago
halo reach beta is over now. gotta wait for the fall... but blur should be out soon!
amez says
14 years ago
within me is a Lady Gaga waiting to come out - not the promiscuous part though lol
amez says
14 years ago
at sparks for hurricane's birthday!
amez says
14 years ago
I'm going to go try out the pool...hopefully I won't get hypothermia...
amez says
14 years ago
Check out my short story "The Search" here: Let me know what you think!
amez says
14 years ago
now that I've got mobile web, I can make full use of brightkite. everyone join me at my username is amez.
amez says
14 years ago
Playing the Halo: Reach beta with Matt!