1Friends 146Fans
male Santa Barbara, CA, United States
By day I am a new media evangelist. By night, a dedicated husband, father, and podcaster!
americancliche says
14 years ago
While trying to get Emma into a bath, she says "Daddy, I'll tell you what..." then proceeds to bargain with me. She's not even 3 yet!
americancliche says
14 years ago
People seem to be commenting less on blogs, has engagement shifted?:
americancliche says
14 years ago
Interesting: 10 companies that will disappear in 2011:
americancliche says
14 years ago
Drinks at Dargan's with Colin and Manny (zarzoso). Good to be out with the guys.
americancliche says
14 years ago
"7 Things I Spent Little to No Money On" by yourfinance101: Agree? Disagree? Interesting read.
americancliche says
14 years ago
I *think* I just figured out my wi-fi mystery that's been stumping me for 9 months. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself right about now.
americancliche says
14 years ago
Should I be concerned that I have to tell my doctor which medications they've prescribed for me? Hmmm
americancliche says
14 years ago
Van Halen shows us the importance of small details - the story of brown M&Ms:
americancliche says
14 years ago
americancliche says
14 years ago
Good coffee meeting this morning with a good friend. Great way to start my Sunday.