mello :]
133Friends 155Fans
female Indonesia
amelle.8595.sanur bsd jhs

But every memory of friendship shared, even for a short time, is a
treasure, like sunshine and warmth in our lives, like a cool breeze
on a humid day, like a shower of rain refreshing the earth...

i heart my friends
mello :] says
15 years ago
mello :] says
15 years ago 18
hey karma turun lagi :-(
mello :] says
15 years ago
c'mon ! up up up
mello :] says
15 years ago 2
morning peoplee
mello :] says
15 years ago 4
mello :] says
15 years ago
mello :] says
15 years ago
ol tapi akan off bntar lagi
mello :] says
15 years ago 3
turun lagi kan
mello :] says
15 years ago
aduh gue ol plurk ga penting banget ya
mello :] says
15 years ago
up up up